I know that in many places on earth many folks don't even know what socks are not to mention shoes; but around my parts most people wear socks pretty regularly. So why stop wearing socks?
For me, I stopped wearing socks last spring for probably the same reason you wear shorts for the first time after a chilly winter. It felt good to feel the air and grass under foot. As spring turned to summer, I never really had the need to wear socks- so I didn't. Flip flops and my clogs served me well. When fall came, I thought for sure I might need socks, but I had become quite accustomed to not wearing socks. Taking care of my feet with essential oils and massage were such a part of my morning routine by then that I did not want to numb myself to the sensations and awareness going without socks had afforded me.
Now, a year later I realize that not wearing socks has truly affected my connection to the world. I now have to think about the weather and conditions I will face each day- which helps keep me grounded and aware. I also take care of my feet better as they are now part of the exposed self- like your face and hands. The care of my feet has really impacted how I care for my self as a whole.
I think most of us neglect that which we do not see or can easily avoid. Sort of like the mess in my closet versus the neatness of my public spaces at home. By not wearing socks, I consider a often neglected part of the body and in so doing I give thought to other parts of my body and health that are also usually kept covered- either by clothes or by our exterior self.
I have to admit not wearing socks has helped me eat better and pay greater attention to my overall health and appearance. So much good from such a small change.
BTW, did I mention I have also saved innumerable hours sorting socks when I do the laundry? Enough time saved to write this post and help save the planet....cool.